Saturday, March 22, 2008

woke up at 10 plus .
and first thing was to call helmi .
well , he kinda scolded me for oversleeping ?
supposingly i was suppose to call him at 930am ?
what difference does it make anyway ?
haha . okay dear we are 6mths and a day .
must decrease the number of stoopid arguements yea ?
ard 11am followed my family to sheng shiong .
brought groceries and had breakfast .
went home only to find that helmi was on his way to lot 1 lah kan .
outing with his friends .
babygirl ! we'll celebrate it on a sat or a sun okay ?
turun esp or what ?
ahahahaha !
imy so much baby girl .
hope on that day we could spend some time together .
come on girl , FACE TO FACE LA EH IF NT HAPPY . you said u dont entertain bitches , nw who's entertaining who ? U said im immature ? how bout now ?
eh girl , COME ON LA , ITS COMMON SENSE . we're humans , we gossip , we talk . yea , i despise/loathe u and i admit , i talk alot bout u . so what ? u cant stop me frm that !
dont let ppl see like ure mental la , walauuuu .
Im express eh , i think i have much more to do than to entertain unsensible ppl like u ?
AND EXCUSE ME ?!? HELLO ?!!! its my blog ?!?
hahahahah .
im having fun here , as u can see {: