Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Terlalu Cinta.
Obviously I stay more updated on Facebook and not always have time to brag about my life on my blog. To cut it short, I will only blog when I feel like it. So since school is starting in August... I still have 5 months of holiday to go through. I've been spending every second and minute of my holidays wisely and have actually enjoyed every bit of it. You should probably know that I am turning 18 soon and there is just so much for me to do! You bet I want to quickly enrol myself in BBDC, you bet I want to go to non-underage clubs, you bet I want to buy ciggarettes legally! So exciting! Yippee~ I've been spending a lot of time with my bf too. Its not that I prioritise my bf than my other friends but we have such great chemistry thats why my time is always spent with him. How I really wish i can storytell everything here but the clock is ticking and I am opening the shop tomorrow and I don't want to be late....what a bother. I still hope for a transfer, Marina Bay Sands is like so so so far away. Its at the end of the red line! I really hope that I'll have time to update soon.
Oh yeah on our happy17, we decided to attend the event at Zirca. I assumed it to be pathetic since its only two of us whom had intentions of going Zirca whereas everyone wanted to head to Azzura but everything turned out perfectly awesome [: I found out that its okay to club without a clique, its not boring at all. Thanks b, you're the bestxxxzs.