I could not resist but to take pictures of the bouquet of flowers b4 it wilts. B bought for me costing almost $60 like zomg. Hahaha. He was really sweet. We decided to meet up before heading to Ijat's place to meet the rest. He had to hand over the flowers and a box of Guylian Belgian Chocolates at my 302 bustop. He went, " Happy Valentine Baby, i love you so much!" I was blushing so much. Everyone at the bustop was looking at us. We were considered the center of attraction on the first day of CNY. hahahahah. Okay, late updates and obviously i didn't have time to upload all of the 151 photos i've captured.
Thank you b, for being so sweet. I hope you like the perfume and ashray i gave you.
Okay so on monday, i could not make it for Anasir's Tarian pratice cos i had to go over granny's. I had a scrumptous meal with my family at Al-ameen. Wonderful.
Today, i text b.....he told me he was going to work.....so i was like so bored......besides i have tarian pratice over at Ijat's. So after lunch.....i went there.......i was so moody......cos everyone had a couple...........suddenly.....jeng jeng jeng, nelly told me my bf was here...i was like WHO'S MY BF?!?!?! went out to see b chatting with his friends, my heart almost jumped out.
Surprise surprise.....liar liar......... Something that still disturbs me...how come i did not notice him in ijat's room?!?!? HAHAHA.
So i had tarian today, it went smoothly except for the part where i have to partner with NELLY AND I CANNOT CONCENTRADE LOOKING AT HER BITCHY FACEEEEEE SMILING AT ME CHEEKILY.....and also B is not helping me................
Its okay, i'll cope!
After practice everyone wanted to go serangoon so me and b went over to my place and he had to show off his talent by cooking noodles.....yeah right....haha the noodles turns out delicious lor.. we tv-ed till 7 plusssss and we went over to yew tee mac to slack. He cannot stop disturbing me ey. Irritating! Haha.
Coming up! Happy4 to Fa(s)ri! Love you bbbbbbbbbbbb.