Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hold on to your cheap mouth you mudblood.
I already have a new number. All thanks to shasha and lacko's friend!After school, i went to met miyuki and we met anwar and his hommies at teck whye.Obviously, ayit and anwar wants me to help them with their art. So, i did just a lil' bit of sketches for them and gave them advices on drawings. Speaking of art, art o-level paper 2, its around the week. Omg! I would like to be specifically sarcastic to this obese minah that thinks too highly of herself.In another term, i do not even know you and you to be criticising me and shasha on somebody's tagboard is a total shame. Its not that i'm too afraid to be confronting you but you just made my nose wrinkle up in disgust. LAME ALIENS? Lucky me to get to know of this particular phrase. First of all. Me and Shasha are humans that are still breathing and ALIENS DO NOT EXIST ON EARTH. Are you just dumb or not educated enough? If we were aliens, we would be the first to invade you! HA HA. Next, you said we are nonsense? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU. All i ever heard about you was you behaving like a loanshark at geylang, thats all. So don't even think that you know me, but the truth is, you don't. You are not even a friend in my list of fuckerettes.Get your own exercising machine, minah.Next, to that "friend" she's tagging to.I know that even in a million years, you would not be able to improve your english even with the help of a dictionary because you so do not have school to guide your RIDICULOUSLY WRONG CHOICE OF WORDS to describe something.If you can't say it right, stop trying.You're killing the language baby.Time is really not on my side right now, so whatever.
So this was an old picture of us. It was a few months back.Kinda miss those times. Well...sort of..
Baba is going to outstation tomorrow and he's leaving me with only $100 for 3 days including my food and expenditure......oh no no no......
Gotta tuck myself in early, don't wanna be late to meet shasha tomorrow.
And if you haven't heard, shasha anak tan is my precious right now.
Goodnight everyone, see you when i see yaaaaaaaaaa........
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hold on to your cheap mouth you mudblood.
I already have a new number. All thanks to shasha and lacko's friend!After school, i went to met miyuki and we met anwar and his hommies at teck whye.Obviously, ayit and anwar wants me to help them with their art. So, i did just a lil' bit of sketches for them and gave them advices on drawings. Speaking of art, art o-level paper 2, its around the week. Omg! I would like to be specifically sarcastic to this obese minah that thinks too highly of herself.In another term, i do not even know you and you to be criticising me and shasha on somebody's tagboard is a total shame. Its not that i'm too afraid to be confronting you but you just made my nose wrinkle up in disgust. LAME ALIENS? Lucky me to get to know of this particular phrase. First of all. Me and Shasha are humans that are still breathing and ALIENS DO NOT EXIST ON EARTH. Are you just dumb or not educated enough? If we were aliens, we would be the first to invade you! HA HA. Next, you said we are nonsense? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU. All i ever heard about you was you behaving like a loanshark at geylang, thats all. So don't even think that you know me, but the truth is, you don't. You are not even a friend in my list of fuckerettes.Get your own exercising machine, minah.Next, to that "friend" she's tagging to.I know that even in a million years, you would not be able to improve your english even with the help of a dictionary because you so do not have school to guide your RIDICULOUSLY WRONG CHOICE OF WORDS to describe something.If you can't say it right, stop trying.You're killing the language baby.Time is really not on my side right now, so whatever.
So this was an old picture of us. It was a few months back.Kinda miss those times. Well...sort of..
Baba is going to outstation tomorrow and he's leaving me with only $100 for 3 days including my food and expenditure......oh no no no......
Gotta tuck myself in early, don't wanna be late to meet shasha tomorrow.
And if you haven't heard, shasha anak tan is my precious right now.
Goodnight everyone, see you when i see yaaaaaaaaaa........