Friday, November 11, 2011
Eversince our 2 years anniversary, I notice a drastic change in you. Not only in you, in me and even in our relationship. It is seriously on the rocks. I don't get it what's happening with you, me or us but you don't really seem to care not a bit but A LOT. You just don't get it do you? I tahu kita dua busy dengan kerja sekolah tapi tu tak bermaksud yang you langsung tak payah msg ataupun call i. I sedih gila. I call you not once not twice not even thrice but more than ten times. You cakap you pergi makan dengan kawan sekolah you? Takkan you didn't even take a look at your hp? Even when you notice the desperate number of calls i tried to get through you, you fucking just leave a msg not even fucking bothering to call back. Whenever we meet, you get so sleepy and bored. I can even notice it in your eyes that you are sick and tired of me. Bloody hell, we are not even fucking clingy and i don't get it at all. I don't know what I've done wrong or maybe its because you're playing behind my back and because you're with another girl, you refuse to answer my calls. I am fucking clingy with my friends but despite that fact, I WILL STILL NOTICE YOUR CALLS OR TEXT MESSAGES. Even in the middle of any lesson, I will still reply and even pick up a call. It also comes to my attention that I'm the one that is non stop texting you and will always strike a conversation but you? You are no longer interested in knowing what is going on and it hurts me so fucking deep inside because you used to be my boyfriend, bestfriend, brother that I DELIBERATELY SHARE EVERYTHING WITH. Its not funny when I cry about something that you do. I am not a crybaby but i cry whenever I feel that you are totally ignoring me. YOU DON'T REALIZE IT NAS AND I DUNNO WHEN YOU AKAN SEDAR THAT YOU DON'T GIVE ME YOUR BLOODY HELL ATTENTION AT ALL. THIS IS GOING NO WHERE.
Alot of photobooth pictures thanks to macbook pro!
Tomorrow marks the end of Semester 1 in Lasalle. How time pass real fast these days... I vividly remember how much I dread waking up early for school and the pile of assignments to complete even a lot of deadlines to meet. Oh well, assessment day is on 21st November and after that, I will be free. Going to miss Faye roko, Aishah and not forgetting Rifqi! You guys have been the best. <3