Sunday, June 21, 2009
How now? Very JIALAT.
i have yet to finish my painting on canvas.
the problem now parents have plans for me this mon, tues, wed.
which means i can't go back to school to complete.
this is totally JIALAT.
i dunno what should i do now. prolly i just go school like really early in the morning.
i need mdm siti's views on my layouts. gr.
moving on, bi made for me tag already! yay! so anyone who have tag, do add me at k!
happy father's day to my one and only wonderful baba.
mama bought u a pair of boxers. hope u like it. (ok this is weird)
take me shopping soon baba, love u like alooooot^^
haha, k that's all! i wonder why i have such short updates these days.
i try to lengthen my updates soon.
together forever?
if u notice the drawing up there, it is kecykanina. it was a rough sketch of him.
whatever it is, happy 1yr 9months or should i say happy 6months minus 1week?
this is confusing but still, its the 21st today, may we be much closer in these weeks to come.
love u.