Friday, August 1, 2008

today school was zzzzzzz*
my art work is NICE !
thanks boboi dearest for the design !
i ordered black tee to match with it .
, so yea .
history lesson was soooooooo draggy .
after school had aem .
zomgggggggg feel like sleeping sia .
nonet and aizzah didnt come !
, haha so me and syairah had extra bottle to make perfumeeeeeeee .
ya we made perfume and we need a week to at least
make the fragrance stronggggg .
after aem , boboi met me .
we went putri house then lepak jap and home .
then at night , met him again .
he accompanied me to yewtee .
* bie i know u can't spend time with me much
cos of ur big big O'S . i understand ....
but i dunno till when can i stand this .
i just feel lonely at times , tu jeeeer .
and it seems that ure treating me like a small kid cos ure like 18...
maybe WE need time and space ...
, imisskecyk i admit .
gahs !