Friday, September 12, 2008

its been longggggggggggggggggggg SINCE MY LAST UPDATE .
wokay .
monday - went hospital with ahzai&ahboi
tuesday- err forgot siul
wednesday- met kecyk
thurs- lepak with my abg
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !
let's just zoom zoom to today .
after school , met kiddo at bustop then we waited for the bdk airport to
finish up their hal then we walk to the opp bustop then we went bktpanjang.
went izzati house with shafiqa. then nini,ikan,amirah,qas came.
all of us proceed to bp , then nelly was already there.
fatin , naq and aisyah came . ahboi also came.
then we walked all the way to teck whye .
jumpe witri and malik otw .
lepak at pondok . talk talk talk .
then bdk apk came and yea ari settle hal with freddy.
baik pah boboi pukol freddy ?
baik pah ari pukol freddy ?
kecoh uh semua.
haiz .
then in the middle civil defence came lah seh .
aper lagi ? jalan suaaaaaaaaa .
went to lot1 dgn khairul .
da bdk apk seh budak tu ... hehe
then went home . that's all for today !
, putri , iloveu babe.
never neglect me . apape contact aku.
will be looking forward for ur call syg .