Saturday, November 29, 2008

He's hot and funnnnnnn !! Dini ey , haha !
Suhaimi Superman is funnnn !!
Qas Sachek and meee .
SKAFEST IS GEREK , my first time and its the best experience yet .
yesterday morning went to buy school books with qas then she went to my house and
we lepak2 and crap2 . We decided to go skafest , so siap2 , and nini also wanted to come .
Me and qas bought nasi ayam n mee goreng to fill ourselves up .
Da makan , da kecoh , da siap2 , took 190 to meet fatin at lot1 .
We went to lepak by ourselves jap then went mph , lepaaaaaak till 5plus ,
me , nini , qas , fatin patah balik lot1 , bought barbell . haha ,
patah balik to mph tunggu all rudeboys siap2 , and chiow at 6pluss .
took 190 to penni . then walked to esplanade .
smpi esp around 740pm plusssss .
The skafest real thing starts at 10pm so we gotta wait .
2 hours siul , lepaaaaaaaaaaak , minum air , makan , chat2 .
Lyn joker , lyn fatin .
Oh ya ! saw fieza-o , elly , linsaaaaa .
Rindu ~
10pm , start siul ! kiwak , gereeeeeeeeeek .
skank2 with khai joker !
haha , and it was really2 fuuuuuuuuuuuuun okay .
i swear its better than lepak-ing .
hahaha ,
mph was gerek .
went back home with linsa .
went home at 12 plussssssss .
GRRRRR * i wana skank again :D