Sunday, December 28, 2008

i went out with boyf and we went to abg's place .
took 188 to clementi and nak maen pool tak lepas -.-
sooooooo we went bktbatok csc .
peh lamer dieorg maen ! dieorg naek shiooook and aku naek mendak .
so jln2 sendiri at westmall . huahuaaaaaa .
came back there around 715 , watch them place and chiow at 750 .
me and boyf went marsiling ,
punya lah kecoh !! haha
met syairah and blaaaaaaaaaah , malas nak ceritakan ...
i spend boyf to tindik his kening !
muker nakal siul .
makan jap at mac , blah2 , sampai uma at 10plus .
k bye . nak otp nan boyf ,
sayang dia byk2 .
and we kinda argue alot , but i still love him !!