Sunday, March 8, 2009
Just right, yeah (:
I would like to start this post with, Jason Dolley is so cute.
Qas thinks he looks like Dinni. The hair part, yes.
Jason Dolley,

This is a picture of me and irah to sastify Azri's needs.
On the other hand, i think this picture is perfect.

This is an UGLY picture of my new wannabe nenek.
My datuk is getting married to her on the 15th this month.
I'm not attending it. Like why would i attend my datuk's wedding
if he thinks this sundal is going to reply nenek? Is he sick?
THAT FUGLY PICTURE DOWN THERE just made my anus puke blood.
Kk Ee Cc Yy Kk
i'm waiting for the point where u really treasure your chance given. keep hoping.
k bye. ^^
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Just right, yeah (:
I would like to start this post with, Jason Dolley is so cute.
Qas thinks he looks like Dinni. The hair part, yes.
Jason Dolley,

This is a picture of me and irah to sastify Azri's needs.
On the other hand, i think this picture is perfect.

This is an UGLY picture of my new wannabe nenek.
My datuk is getting married to her on the 15th this month.
I'm not attending it. Like why would i attend my datuk's wedding
if he thinks this sundal is going to reply nenek? Is he sick?
THAT FUGLY PICTURE DOWN THERE just made my anus puke blood.
Kk Ee Cc Yy Kk
i'm waiting for the point where u really treasure your chance given. keep hoping.
k bye. ^^