Thursday, July 23, 2009

my eyebags is mostly caused by lack of sleep, stress, too tired and too "studious".
school was very tiring for me today. P.e is equal to chasing nasrul around the basketball court and singing to haziq.
Today, I am pretty convinced that i decoy better than irah rush.
Overall, I really love today. Ssssshhh ^.^
I realised that my post are really short.
I'm sorry. I am pretty blank about what to write.
In the end, i love cuteweird.
take care all.
Thursday, July 23, 2009

my eyebags is mostly caused by lack of sleep, stress, too tired and too "studious".
school was very tiring for me today. P.e is equal to chasing nasrul around the basketball court and singing to haziq.
Today, I am pretty convinced that i decoy better than irah rush.
Overall, I really love today. Ssssshhh ^.^
I realised that my post are really short.
I'm sorry. I am pretty blank about what to write.
In the end, i love cuteweird.
take care all.