Monday, August 24, 2009
My 400th post for

Haha! Well, school was as normal today.
I had nelly during recess that didn't fast because she had not taken her mandi hadas kecikkkk sekali. Haha. Maths paper 2 was horrible like Oh M g. And i actually walked in the school hall with my p.hist textbook in my hands to take my p.hist prelim exam. -.- Pikir open book test per! Haha.
So after the stressful, maths and p.hist paper, i rushed to art room and irah was...out of breath cos she had her oral today. And it went well for her. *Grins.
B then met me at art room and we head to b.b east to meet up with shasha and paks.
Very kecoh. Stupid jokes they made up. Then both of them head to jrng or what la...
then i was left with b. We did our hw and revision. As we were studying, 3 monkeys out of nowhere, ACTUALLY JUST CROSSED THE ROAD IN FRONT OF US AND THEY WERE LIKE 2 METRES AWAY FROM US. Oh m g. B was so overwhelmed that he actually followed the monkey to see where they were heading to. -.-
Crap sia. Hahaha. Reach home at 5pm.
Geog and P.hist 2 is tomorrow.
Pls oh pls. I want to pass geog, *fingers crossing*