Monday, September 21, 2009
So many happenings.

On Raya eve, i head home and waited for nasri to come to my place.
As predicted, my parents were busy shopping at ikea and imm on eve.
I was left alone. Nasri accompanied me home. We watch the VMA's on mtv.
I bet Nasri got stuck to Beyonce's dance moves. After the vma's, my parents were still not home.
So, me and nasri decided to head over his friend's place at yew tee.
I can't believe, i still had the cheek to lepak on Raya eve. Omg. Well, my parents didn't mind anyway. They were like, " we're shopping for carpets, meet us at nenek's for dinner!"
-.- But thanks to Nasri that my raya eve was not a lonely one. ^.^

We put up stupid, stuck up faces at everyone there. I do not need to acknowledge my new family. Whatever happens, whatever it is.

The hillarious thing is that.....
we went to one of the relatives house that has all of the windows closed. Omg.
Me: Mama, look at my hp, no connection, how to msg like this. Why no connection sia!!! Urggh,
Mama: Maybe no connection pasal org ni tutup semua tingkap tak?
Me: What does connection got to do with tingkap?!?!?!
I asked baba to drop by mac otw home.
So a malay mat flirted with me at 12am.
Me: Can i have one macspicy meal, no upsize?
Mat: Taknak upsize nak kurus2 ah ni? (smiling so widely)
Me: Huh?
Mat: Takeaway or having here?
Me: Takeaway.
Mat: ALAMAK, dalah takde chance nak makan sesama....
Me: Maybe next time...
Mat: (hands me the macspicy) bye sayang, selamat hari raya....
Me: Haha (rolls eyes)

But mummy whye was HORRIBLE. That's tasha's mother btw.
I will never forgive the way she treated my mum today.
---- no answer from mama.
Me: MAMAAAAAA!!!!! ---- still no answer.....
Finally, mama came with a box of tissues.
---- no answer from mama.
Me: MAMAAAAAA!!!!! ---- still no answer.....
Finally, mama came with a box of tissues.
I have alot more picture on my digital camera but....i'm just plain lazy.
Besides, my heels were killing me today. I need to sleep.
I love the fact that i earn more than $400 in 2days.
If just by visiting relatives house could earn me that much, well, i think i can buy for myself a car by this month. Haha! Like i'm already 18.

if only we were together.
But still, deep in my heart, its been 2 yrs of loving u.
ok bye!time to tuck myself in.
its time for bed!