Sunday, November 1, 2009
The power of your love.
Haha, just like a race riot eh?
Then at 4pm, met tasha and we head off to cck crescent to watch Nasri's friends kuda kepang group. Around 6pm, bf, tasha and me met my mama at cck park. We watch my brother skate for awhile then mama gave us money to eat dinner at long john's.
Back home at 830pm and baba ordered pizza for the whole family.
How lovely.
Spammers that have been deleted from my tagboard.
Look, me and my mama just keep laughing at the way you are trying to bring me down here.
Do you realised that my boobs don't actually mean a biggy to me here?
Do you know how to differentiate lumps and flat?
Well maybe, JUST MAYBE, yours is as flat as the ground on my feet so you are *too used* to seeing flat breasts surrounding you or maybe, you were born breastless! Haha.
No seriously, all of you have no more BLOODY POINTS to criticise me. My breast seems to be the limelight right here. Haha!
Eversince i tagged shasha and post some shits about her, spammers suddenly appeared from nowhere. If you're trying to so call defend or protect her from the evil, *kononnya lah kan*, you guys are stooping so LOW, so LIFE-LESS, so not worth it.
Not sastified about me tagging shasha? Its like as though she's one major fcuker in my life.
Shasha doesn't know to defend herself eh sampai korang kena tolong?
Korang tak tahu kita punya hal apa dengan dia abeh nak sibuk-sibuk?
Spam aku je kau mampu? ITU SAJA?
Its not a big deal to me anymore.
Talk is cheap (: