Friday, December 11, 2009
Don't go.
Hi boyfriend,
are you sure that you're really really REALLY leaving?
Because i can't possibly imagine how things might be without you texting/calling/meeting me.
Oh ya, maybe its just for 4days 3nights which is like for 96 hours equals to 5760 minutes.
Do i even dare to count the seconds? Oh my god. I bet i will be crying myself to sleep because i definitely will miss you and your crappy jokes that make me laugh till my cheek bones go cramp.
Or just maybe, i might have a fever because of missing you so much. Come back real soon okay. Smuggle me all the flavours of bubblegum that is if you can. But the most important thing is that, you come back safe and sound.

are you sure that you're really really REALLY leaving?
Because i can't possibly imagine how things might be without you texting/calling/meeting me.
Oh ya, maybe its just for 4days 3nights which is like for 96 hours equals to 5760 minutes.
Do i even dare to count the seconds? Oh my god. I bet i will be crying myself to sleep because i definitely will miss you and your crappy jokes that make me laugh till my cheek bones go cramp.
Or just maybe, i might have a fever because of missing you so much. Come back real soon okay. Smuggle me all the flavours of bubblegum that is if you can. But the most important thing is that, you come back safe and sound.

(this was a very old picture of me and nasri. This was taken before my o's and when he had his cool hairdo. It was before we ever got together. The "hook-ups". Hah!)
I'm free for 4 days. So girlfriends, do your part to take me out and have fun.
I might even spend time at Ijad's house because time flies much faster there.
Perhaps i might go skateboarding by myself or er..have lunch alone?............ how dreadful is this feeling?!?!?!
I met Nunu bulat today!
We slacked around then b came to meet us and we went to ijad's place.
I had cravings for solero ice cream and yes, i had it today with nunu.
yummy! There was a lot of commotion over ijad's house today.
Believe me or not.....ghost do exist. Omg. Lucky i had b hugging me when i was shivering with fear. Nunu learnt her lesson, we all did. It was a very traumatic experience but ijad's mama gave us real tough, good advices. It was my first time observing this so called ceremony. I hope era is alright. So head home at 10 plus with nunu.
Overall, i had a great time with everyone today.
B called me at 1am and he was like.....
" i am gonna miss you sia..."
Why wouldn't you?
I would take this seperation as a temporary so called break up.
I'm real sleepy...
Meeting b tomorrow for the last b4 he leaves at night and then, me and era will head to ijad's place. I hope mama & papa would make me feel better. I just love it when mama calls me "girl", it makes me feel as though i have a sister whom is like in her 30s?
Enough of bragging, i need to sleep.
I might even spend time at Ijad's house because time flies much faster there.
Perhaps i might go skateboarding by myself or er..have lunch alone?............ how dreadful is this feeling?!?!?!
I met Nunu bulat today!
We slacked around then b came to meet us and we went to ijad's place.
I had cravings for solero ice cream and yes, i had it today with nunu.
yummy! There was a lot of commotion over ijad's house today.
Believe me or not.....ghost do exist. Omg. Lucky i had b hugging me when i was shivering with fear. Nunu learnt her lesson, we all did. It was a very traumatic experience but ijad's mama gave us real tough, good advices. It was my first time observing this so called ceremony. I hope era is alright. So head home at 10 plus with nunu.
Overall, i had a great time with everyone today.
B called me at 1am and he was like.....
" i am gonna miss you sia..."
Why wouldn't you?
I would take this seperation as a temporary so called break up.
I'm real sleepy...
Meeting b tomorrow for the last b4 he leaves at night and then, me and era will head to ijad's place. I hope mama & papa would make me feel better. I just love it when mama calls me "girl", it makes me feel as though i have a sister whom is like in her 30s?
Enough of bragging, i need to sleep.