Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This has been my habit. Drinking caramel frapuccino and slacking at centrepoint's starbucks with zul and fazlin. Our break is 3 hours so that explains my heavy dosage for coffee every day.

We end work early yesterday and suddenly decided to go to another of our restaurant's outlet which was located at Vivo city. Since b was working too, we rushed there before the last order was taken. We had to actually run at Dhobby Gaut and even at Harbourfront. It was like we were participating in some amazing race shit. HAHA. So at vivo, we ordered es teler and es chendol, we assumed that we need to pay but the manager there gave us free treat. Okay that's good enough.

Look at B's face after his shift ended. Hahaha. (Penat ah jack)
We took 188 back home after that.
The person at the cashier joked around with me and zul. Since my name is farah, zul actually ordered for me specially, one caramel FARAHpucinno. And that person could shout out loud like, " Okay! ONE CARAMEL FARAHPUCINNO!" hahahahaha. It all started with my wrong pronounciation of "frapuccino."

Boyfriend met me during my break today. From vivo all the way to orchard central. Haha. I guess he really miss me despite the fact that we meet everyday before work and even after work. *wide smiles*