Thursday, March 11, 2010

I have lessons during the march holidays. Oh man, ala. ala. ala. alaaaaaa.
I must suck it up and bear with everything that is going to repeat over again.
But its okay!
I must point out to this certain no-name passerby that has always or should i say frequently tagging hate comments about Wau Bulan. The reason why i am being defensive is because everything you say, made no sense at all. What are you trying to get at me?
This is our own group, isn't it our problem if we choose to wear any costume or what ever so?
Atleast we are trying to our best to make someone's wedding a happy and merrier place and we get paid plus we enjoy ourself even though we are a small bunch.
Get this straight, i think its best if you would shut up and suck your dad's dick because that is more worth it. Kuda kepang or kompang or what ever, in the end, we are not making your life a pain. It would be nice if you just SHUT IT.
Aku tak faham motive kau, tingkah laku kau and cara kau nak "malukan" kita. Wau Bulan takde gentak ah. Kita tak pasal apa kau nak cakap asalkan bukan pat tagboard BODOH.
Aku sort because this is just our first performance and you are making such a big fuss about it. Who the heck are you to just simply say what you wish?
Okay its bedtime.