Sunday, May 9, 2010
Set free.

Oh yeah! Remember when i freaked out when i thought i thought my ez link card disappeared? Thank god, they located my ezlink card in bus 176. So i had to get my ezlink card from Bukit Panjang Int before going for WB training. I am really lucky to have my ezlink card back or else i would have gotten a hearing from my baba. Phew. It was a miracle.
On that day, I watched 2 scary movies at hairul's place. I almost suffocate myself with terror and i was out of breath. I was so so so, totally frightened. Fuck myself. I am very weak when it comes to supernatural species because i have never met one and i do not ever even want to come face to face with them, i am pretty freaked out whenever i watched these type of scary movies. They are ought to terrify me out from my skin. Nelly could know how disturbed i was. I even shivered. I went through the movie by either covering my eyes or even hiding behind b's back. Phewwwww. Even after the movie, hairul could even play tricks on me and nelly also! But part nelly je tak menjadi liao. Haha.
I am so so so so so so so sorry if i cannot make it on your birthday nelly. But i promise i will make it all up to you. I'll buy you a goody goody present or maybe plan something else. I hope you understand my situation. I will still lova lova you the same. Cheer up okay baby, sweet16 soon!
Maths paper is this monday. Shit.......
I have to try my best to pass it.
OooOoOoOo, its Sunday already.
Happy Mother's Day to my mama-o, hope you appreciate the sunflower i gave you. Yok kita shopping besok and ajak baba belanja seafood! Oh part makan itu sudah tentu splendid (:
Good night!

(cyk) i cannot understand you and i tak tahu apa you nak.
cuba terangkan agaknya je i akan faham.
susah ah situasi ni macam. buat i gelisah je selalu tau.
i nak risau pun macam tak nak kisah juga.
Apa ini bro? Cuba ceritakan kehendak mu.