Saturday, June 19, 2010
Baby be with me.

On our 8 month, b fetch me from school and we chilled over at my place before heading over for WB training. Well, I gave B two tee that I bought for him. Suka eh memberzxz.

Much thanks to mama. She knows I love this ice cream most. She will buy different flavours every week. So for this week, my all time favourite, chocolate ^.^

As expected, he got the first scoop.

Suka eh b? Macam best je indulging in haagen daaz chocolate ice cream?

Today, We went Marina. Just the both of us again. Best.

Macam paksa senyum lah. Tapi tak, asap kat dalam mulut sampai balik nanti -.-

My Mat-Drug. Like hisap ganja like that, NOT.

Baby jeans are in style but not with my earring being in the way! See it hanging?
Its been eight months. I love you. Always bare in mind, no one can replace you.