Tuesday, June 17, 2008

woke up at 8 just to send this matrep of mine to streetwise .
uggh . okeh .
sort siak kepale .
mama bought mac for me
and i bought it all to lakeside .
i rest on his laps and it feels all nice .
tired sak akuuuu .
lepak with helmi for an hour plus till it was 11 and off he went .
topulau ubin ? haha until 9pm .
have fun dearest .
nelly .
u like the best besssssst fren in assumption .
to me , whenever i need u , i know i can lean on u for help .
even if u did judge me , u would tell me in the end .
never keeping anything from me .
u r so precious .
i love u .
seriously .
without u i guess ,
ill have no one to crap with , lepak , share my tears with and all .
i trust u .
and i know u'll never betray me .
even what they say about u .
faaaaaaaatin .
aku peh rindu kauuuuuuuuu siot ...
sally .
jumpe n belanje me maaaaaaaaaakan .
tau :D
and pida .
hahaaaaaaaaa (:
can i kidnapped her pls ?