Tuesday, September 16, 2008

but u just don't know the truth .
she's always been there when i was at my lowest point .
why she understands me ? cos she give in to me .
dont say she support me in doing all the negative stuff cos
she did reprimand me . we keep close . we tell each other off .
we get along , cos she's always been loving me for who i am .
if we did fight , we will sit and sort things out .
her hug , is the best .
her comfort , is the best ever , u can ever get .
thanks nelly for ever being there when i was weak .
i promise u feeNelly back .
i've dissapoint u .
u protected me by getting in trouble with urself .
im sorry .
thanks for being the shelter i needed .
cos of me , ure in trouble now .
cos of u , im safe now .
where can i ever find a sister like u again ?
never , cos u r my one & only kiddokia .
IM SORRY kiddo ,
ill try not to upset u .

i've upset u .
when im with u , i feel that we had fun .
we share tears and joy .
i know i made a mistake .
ku sorry babe .
ku telah hampakan kau .
i don't want to lose u .
1 day not being in contact with u , hurts so much .
aku miss kau .
but yeah , im sorry for my atrocious behaviour .
ku syg kau ):

Putri Rawiani .
I know the truth already . I know i've been such a bitch to u .
I know the truth already . I know i've been such a bitch to u .
u know believe it or not , i don't realise how i am acting to u .
Im sorry . I KEEP ON SAYING SORRY but i don't mean it .
even it i do mean it , u don't believe me .
believe it or not , we keep hurting each other .
Without fail , its either me , u or both of us . WHY ?
why must i lie to u ? i just dont get it .
no this time . i realise it .
maybe its time we just go on our way . its for the best .
for u and me . u do not need to think about me again .
hidup kau will be much better .
we keep fighting . never getting along ,
mayb we would , some day .
mayb we should just be friends .
it hurts me when u drift away .
u may think im pretending , i think that way too ok .
not only u , putri .
aku tak sepatutnye be ur precious . im not even fit to be ur precious .
its true , i do want u dead at times . but not everytime .
i think , its cos of u , that i found someone like helmi .
its cos of u , me and my mum grew closer .
its cos of u , i concentrade on my studies .
u did create a space in my life putri . its just sometimes ,
im out of my way . i feel bad . crushed . stabbed .
i feel like an asshole treating u like this .
mayb ure right , mayb im always wrong .
im the loser in our friendship . its cos of ME , we always fight .
its cos of ME , ure not with boboi .
its cos of ME , everything turn out bad .
i dont know what else can i do now .