i miss the old nelly hencem. its just not her, now. she's really having a tough time and i wish for the old her to come back. its not the same and i'm in the verge of crying to think that she's changed. im sorry if i had not spend much time with u but i really wish we would on my bday.
dear nelly, feefly loves her sugarbabe so much.
20more days to my birthday. waaaaaa. sweet 16 lah sak! im sure i will enjoy and celebrate it like never before! all my precious friends will be tagging along for sure.
Kecyk kanina! Nelly hencem! Baby Kuching! Qas bangs! Nini Nabeyh! Ahboi Fanatik! Irah Rush! Weetri! Fatin! Shalyn! Tasha Evil! and....... tell me if i missed u out (:
sweet sixteen, soon. chiows baby, chiows.