Saturday, April 18, 2009
friends like this who will bring a smile to your face.
i decided not to attend speech day and had vanessa to replace me.
all because i wanted to spend my day with irah rush and k-cyk (:
sweet right? haha,
well yesterday was the boy's town flag day.
i met k-cyk and irah in the morning and we head to woodlands together.
we rode 963. reach there around 730+. k-cyk went with his "friends" and me and irah
waited for michelle. we took attendance first and soon, michelle came.
had breakfast at mac and when we left, i thought i left my hp somewhere but it was in my bag!
silly billy feefly. urgh, then we kept walking to civic centre and we stopped halfway thinking of
where the hell we were heading to -.-
we ran away from someone too and i kinda fell and roll down a slope -.- funny ah^^
we took 963,975 to cck and i saw a pair of sexy legs on 963!
we head to the bridge there then limbang market, then ntuc then yewtee point then yewtee market.
i met mama and she said "kesihannya anak mama ni, kering seh muka," and she gave me a durian and mango puff and $$ :D haha. my mama sayang me.
i had a paddle pop too. it was freaking hot and i was almost dehydrated.
around 1plus, we took 302 then 925 to woodlands.
we almost thought we were lost, the bus just keep turning round and round till michelle went up to ask the driver. huahua * scared of being lost.
met k-cyk at burgerking and somehow ms diana rejected my tin, so syairah and me and k-cyk went to marsiling there near a mosque to ask for donations, we did a pretty good job atleast but for the fact that she was being stuck when me and k-cyk had a tiff, pity her. sorry syairah.
basically i laughed a lot yesterday.
hehe, returned the tin at 230+ and teman k-cyk for his stupid house to house.
went over to nenek and she put in lotsssss of coins and gave me a drink.
aw, nenek loves me^^ haha. walked back to cp at 3plus. i hugged ziying when i saw her! had a chat with everyone there and i must say, mamum's new hairdo is better.
k-cyk, when ure doing mullet? hmph! okay, k-cyk returned his tin at 330pm and we rode on 963 to bp.
i wanted to meet michelle,vivian,geneva and irah to watch kuntilanak buuuuuut..
i was soooooo tired that i decide to head home. im sorry guys!
k-cyk send me off and i slept.....
aw. mama made nice chicken wings too.
i had a chat with baby girl ninabyh.
i really misssssssssss her and want to meet her badly.
hmn, not to mention we talked about nelly. she is so gonna hear from me on monday.

13 more days to someone's bday.
who else but my most sweeeeeeeeeeeetest tayang.
ha!ha! he's like sooooo excited.
shake la shake (:
this has been a very sastifiying long post.
homework time!