Monday, April 6, 2009
much appreciated.

my bday was just fantastic. qasrina and fatin apparently wanted to surprise me
but dah bo-chui la^^ haha. they planned with my sweetie. at first, i thought everything
was ruined as nobody wanted to go out with me but then, SAP! qas and fatin appeared with
a cake and presents^^ sayang korang. they head off to town first and i followed sweetie home.
got changed and went to city hall.
met qas, fatin, mira at memo thr. haha. been a very oddful longgggggg time since i've been thr!
they sang songs and we took pics. then, ninabyh and nelly and nasa met us at esp then head off to marina garden and lepak2 till 7plus and went off to shakeeeeeee~
thanks to all my love ones who wish me. thankyou for all the presents.
i really appreciate it. thanks for making my sweet16 a memorable one.
and sweetie, ure the best!
this is a short update cos i gotta rush to complete my hw!
chiows! thanks again.