Friday, March 20, 2009
too good to be true.

i am currently using my brother's wireless laptop to blog.
i completed my english homework and halfway through social studies source-based.
still, i rather finish reading the novel that i borrowed a few days back.
" Kiss Me, Kill Me " A very touching story by Lauren Henderson.
Sweetie is having swps. He's bowling at some alley which i dunno where.
I really hope he finishes swps on time. Pls oh Pls.
I still got like 3 homework left. Oh bother.........
omy, guess what! 3 months tomorrow. haha! well, it was suppose to be our 1yr and 6months though :( :( ah, patience.
Birthday is 12 days away!
can't wait to meet all my girlfriends!
especially qas,baby,ninabeyh,nelly! aw.
okay i got to stop blogging and study now.
take cares everyone.
With love, fee ah fly. One and only fly-ah-fly (: