Monday, April 27, 2009
my bad, just this once.
well, school was okay for today. new shoes gave me blisters when running 2.4km. i guess they were not season enough. maths and geog was free period and we had a surprise peribahasa test today, i failed. i could guess it well as me and peribahasa definitely have no chemistry.
my classmates wants to hear me speak in foreign language again.
but im so sorry that im just not in the mood today. prolly tmrw, around 4pm when ec starts?
and i start to go bonkers and hyper? He he.
as much as school was "okay" today.
i would like to apologise toooooooooo k-cyk kanina wei-

i hit his head when he said something insulting. well, he was in the wrong but i should not react that way. in the end, both of us are wrong. he should definitely watch his mouth and me, MY HAND. Im SO SO SO SORRY.
ps. bday is in 5 more days^^ cheer up yeah hun.
to end this post, i would like to thank irah rush and my other chinese classmates for comforting me and telling me to relax. awwww.
okay, can i go now? cos my fav show in starting in a few mins time
and mama is pestering me to try her sambal prawns.
ha! ha! chiows.
Monday, April 27, 2009
my bad, just this once.
well, school was okay for today. new shoes gave me blisters when running 2.4km. i guess they were not season enough. maths and geog was free period and we had a surprise peribahasa test today, i failed. i could guess it well as me and peribahasa definitely have no chemistry.
my classmates wants to hear me speak in foreign language again.
but im so sorry that im just not in the mood today. prolly tmrw, around 4pm when ec starts?
and i start to go bonkers and hyper? He he.
as much as school was "okay" today.
i would like to apologise toooooooooo k-cyk kanina wei-

i hit his head when he said something insulting. well, he was in the wrong but i should not react that way. in the end, both of us are wrong. he should definitely watch his mouth and me, MY HAND. Im SO SO SO SORRY.
ps. bday is in 5 more days^^ cheer up yeah hun.
to end this post, i would like to thank irah rush and my other chinese classmates for comforting me and telling me to relax. awwww.
okay, can i go now? cos my fav show in starting in a few mins time
and mama is pestering me to try her sambal prawns.
ha! ha! chiows.