Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Consider this as one of my best moments.

after a day of stressful maths paper 2 and core history, i received good news. it may not be good news to u but it is one hell of a great news for me. when the clock strucks 12am tonight, kanina's probation after 2years is completed. i've suceeded. i've suceeded in making him endure even after 2years of probation. this is the moment. this is what i've been waiting for. the burden in my heart is finally released. i'm happy, i'm so so SO happy that i'm holding back my tears.
210907, it was the day that we were together. eversince that day, he was controlled fully by me. nevertherless, its all worth it now. he is finally free. All free. so free.To see that smile forming on his face means so much to me. He is a part of me. He means the world, just everything. Through those months, it was really challenging for me to force him to go to his programmes,reportings and even coming home on time. It was really a test of patience for me. Allhamdulilah, he is still out here now, celebrating his happiest day with all his friends.
You know, its okay if a word of appreciation doesn't come out from his mouth. Just make sure that u keep on smiling and be happy in whatever u do, then i am. My prayers have been answered. U are atleast safe from being in bh now. This is my greatest honour, my efforts have been paid off. But i knew, behind this happy moment, a thunderstorm is coming my way.
That is, will u completely change into a different person after u achieve ur freedom?
We just wait and see. But if you just want to walk out of my door, please leave quickly before u see me cry. If you choose to stay, please make it last.
If you can't make up any decision, tell u what. Just don't give me fake hopes.
I'm too hurt to be hurt.
If only, if only.....if only.............
allah knows what i want.
eversince he left that girl. he's just different. it sucks and im not blaming him. he wants the breakup and it wasn't me who force him too. oh god, its going to be 2 years soon. Oh god, i can't get hold of myself. that person changed us. she ruin everything. EVERYTHING THAT I EVER HAD. EVERY HAPPINESS THAT I HAD.
oh tuhan, di mana dia berada.....jauhi lah dia dari segala musibah yg akan berlaku.
aku tak bersalah, aku tak ingin ini terjadi. aku hanya ingin dia bahagia dia sisi sesiapa.
oh tuhan, jika kau maha pengasih, kau kembalikan dia kepadaku. ya allah, jika kau maha besar, sedarkan dia atas segala pengorbanan yang telah ku korbankan utknya. tidak ku ingin melepaskan dia ya allah. Jika ini adalah satu cabaran yang harus ku hadapi, tolonglah ya allah, kuatkan lah hati ku ini. Amin~
oh sayang di mana kau berada janganlah kau lupakan aku.....
hapheez fee..feefly..fely mosquito! =.= kay lame. gd luck ngn kau peh O'lvls, harapharap kau stayback! ;P fake aje
eh siaks! hahaha. apa aja, kau tunggu je, nanti aku top student aru tau. haha FAKE!
mandy hey juz a passer-by. may i know where u buy your black tights & how much it cost? thanks 4 answering. :D
tights? what tights? i got tights but i bought it at far east at $30, i think.
mandy hey juz a passer-by. may i know where u buy your black tights & how much it cost? thanks 4 answering. :D
tights? what tights? i got tights but i bought it at far east at $30, i think.
wani hey , im just bloghopping. btw , whr you buy your flip flop? may i know ?
of course, queensway $33
Nini Nabeyh Alhamdulilah ,Im Happy For You.
kalau feefly happy pun sekejap aja. happiness doesn't last long for me...
of course, queensway $33
Nini Nabeyh Alhamdulilah ,Im Happy For You.
kalau feefly happy pun sekejap aja. happiness doesn't last long for me...
irah ho ho ho nenek kau ah starbucks.
nenek mana kau referring to? haha.
lulusiaoda dkt kanina balek ehk ?
nope, grrrrrr.
nenek mana kau referring to? haha.
nope, grrrrrr.
Faiiz kesi0w was just dropping by. nice song :)) tc
hahahaha, thanks! tc toooo!
yana hey.. they say if muke mcm adek breadek means u and him ada jodoh..
hahahaha, thanks! tc toooo!
yana hey.. they say if muke mcm adek breadek means u and him ada jodoh..
really?! haha, who knows eh...^^
nini nabeyh sayangku. i lve u so much. really. thanks for caring so much about me. ur shoulder is yet the best to cry on. you the best listener, u always encourage me to be a better person and always comfort me. u were there when i need u. im so BLESSED to get a friend like u.
love u nabeyh babygirl!