Sunday, May 24, 2009
quick quick update ay.

its been long since i did a complete update. the reason why is because my malay o-levels is exactly 7 more days. yes. 7 MORE DAYS. i've been trying to squeeze 100 peribahasa in my head all day long. i expect to score atleast a B3 or if can, A2.
nelly's bday is coming. i've yet to find her a birthday present. not to mention that i've watch night at the museum yesterday, it was hillarious. i enjoyed it with bi-bi. haha.
i want to watch the uninvited soon tooooo! k bye.
i gtg. baba-o is calling to get ready to go out -.-
Sunday, May 24, 2009
quick quick update ay.

its been long since i did a complete update. the reason why is because my malay o-levels is exactly 7 more days. yes. 7 MORE DAYS. i've been trying to squeeze 100 peribahasa in my head all day long. i expect to score atleast a B3 or if can, A2.
nelly's bday is coming. i've yet to find her a birthday present. not to mention that i've watch night at the museum yesterday, it was hillarious. i enjoyed it with bi-bi. haha.
i want to watch the uninvited soon tooooo! k bye.
i gtg. baba-o is calling to get ready to go out -.-