i think i'm selfish. Yes, i can't let any girl have kcyk even though we kind of split. NO CAN DO. If we did split up, its only a matter of time that we would get back together. Its like a cycle. That girl, who's texting kcyk yesterday, i just would love to say, bare in mind, he's mine back. You can't have him, don't try to CONSOLE HIM and be there for him. Its shit. BLOODY SHIT. Don't give me these kind of crap okay, he's just playing around with your feelings, taking u as an extra tyre. Its like 3 more months for us to be 2yrs and a few more days to 5months.
okay, i've been trying SO SO HARD TO allow kcyk to ton. Prolly things are going to change now. Byrdpark trip with his fam was cancelled due to our fight. How frustrating. Mata lebam pun still have the cheek to text bi.
i can't get myself over this yet i'm waiting for my last paper of o-lvels then i have my freedom. Ah, the life. I can't wait to have the chance to ton. Whatever it is, i still love bi. No doubts.
Linsa practically called me early in the morning and had a LONG chat with me till i can't get back to my wonderland. But its okay, its very entertaining to be talking to her. Ah, the gossips. He he.
i am still finding the best decoration for my introduction board. I have some ideas but am worry if i were to spoil my lovely board. I know Ninabyh and Nelly misses me SO MUCH. I miss them too. Highlights pls. Tomorrow after art, i'll meet u. Bi also promise me a Big breakfast tomorrow.
Ah, the luck. No one can replace bi. I mean it. Take care all, i think this post is really cold because i just would love to underline, bold and highlight that kecyk is mine.
thank you for reading, much love to all.