Sunday, May 31, 2009
butterflies in my tummy.

i hope that allah bless u with a long life and keep u safe in whatever you do.
whenever you are at your lowest point in life, i'm always thr for you.
we may not be that close anymore but, i assure u that after my o's, all my time will be spent on u. I love u and i really hope that u will take things in life more seriously soon.
present kau ditunda jap kay, he he^^

i really really hope that i will be able to get a hold of myself.
i've been really working hard and putting in effort, well tomorrow's the day.
oh gosh. GOSH.
currently home alone now.
brother is at his friend's party while my parents are busy attending 3 wedding invitations today.
i woke up at 12pm today and started studying. hmm. i'm really bored right now. i bet my baba is really mad at me because of the stupid hsa letter. atleast its possession than smoking. hsa _ _ _ _ sia, they're like a bunch of _ _ _ _ to the government. next time when i see hsa, i better _ __ _ that's if i'm not in my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.-
baby is at home sleeping his ass off. he just loves the fact that its sunday and its the best time of the week to roll on the bed. ah, i still have trauma of that sugarbitch and the reason is, because of HER, i'm unable to celebrate baby's sweet16 with him. and him turning 16 doesn't always HAPPENS. its only once in a lifetime and that bitch ruin it. They went to watch anugerah on his sweet16? -.- wth. and baby belanja her to watch movie? He's the bday boy and he wasted money on that bitch. tough luck ey?
last week baby showed me a letter which that sugarbitch wrote to him. Z O M G.
i showed it to some of my friends and trust me, they couldn't even understand a word of what she's trying to interprete. Her eng sucks. Even baby could correct her grammar despite being in technical. but still i'm proud of baby bcos his english marks improved. thanks to ME! haha.
from an F to a C. i bet he could get a B during his n'level.
^^ this proves i'm better than sugarbitch!
i really hope she's reading this, because if she is, i'm never forgiving her for destroying my baby's sweet16. she's one hell of a bitch.
haha, okay. i feel sastified after blogging about this.
i had mt class yesterday and ms diana says that she expects distinction from me,irah and nasrul.
can we do it? ha ha.. tomorrow will tell.
till here, love feefly!