Saturday, June 27, 2009
im boredxzx.

it has just stopped raining.
i slept like around 3am yesterday and was awoken by bi's call. he called like 6.08am and next was 750am. And right after i took that call, i couldn't get back to sleep. Gr.
Bi's working. Omg. for the first time, this feels weird. I'm not used to it.
Whatever it is, his main aim is to get $$$.
I'm bored. I want to go out. No one has offered me yet. While i have a few offers but they're like watching a movie with their bfs or some even just going to lepak on a saturday. I crave for extc but bi won't let me take it without him. I'm confused.
School's starting on monday. What the Hell. This month is not even like a break. I spend 3 and almost half a week in school. Zomg. My homework is untouchable. I have loads of them piling up on my desk. This is so frustrating.
I dunno what i want right now. I need to go out. Uggh.