Thursday, June 18, 2009
life in arab.

i left art early today. i was so lazy and besides, i didn't have the mood at all.
after art, i went home, got changed and tell bi that i'm going over to linsa's crib to slack.
bi allowed surprisingly, trusted me too. sayang bi.
so most of today was spent with linsa and efa. gerek gilaaaaaaa. laughing non-stop.
linsa taught me how to rave and we berangan ALOT.

linsa straighten kan rambut ku! yay, my hair made no perangai today, just for today -.-

awwwwwwwww. sweeeeeeet kan? haha ni obscence sikit ah.

efa! friendly sia this girl. hua hua^^

time for berangan! amaciam geng? life in arab kaperh?

er. i don't what they trying to showcase here -.-

i rasa kan, kita cute mute^^ he he.
k da. i gtg, need to sketch more resources for art! tata!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
life in arab.

i left art early today. i was so lazy and besides, i didn't have the mood at all.
after art, i went home, got changed and tell bi that i'm going over to linsa's crib to slack.
bi allowed surprisingly, trusted me too. sayang bi.
so most of today was spent with linsa and efa. gerek gilaaaaaaa. laughing non-stop.
linsa taught me how to rave and we berangan ALOT.

linsa straighten kan rambut ku! yay, my hair made no perangai today, just for today -.-

awwwwwwwww. sweeeeeeet kan? haha ni obscence sikit ah.

efa! friendly sia this girl. hua hua^^

time for berangan! amaciam geng? life in arab kaperh?

er. i don't what they trying to showcase here -.-

i rasa kan, kita cute mute^^ he he.
k da. i gtg, need to sketch more resources for art! tata!