Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm am pretty not in a good mood today. I will certainly elaborate more on this.
On the bus home from ec, me and irah got insulted by this chinese nyonya that is speaking in a certain kind of language that vivian doesn't seems to understand. It was not, REPEAT, WAS NOT our fault that we lose grip of the handles and just fall onto each other. We laughed and there is another chinese auntie who called us thick-skinned for it. -.- what te hell?
On the bus home from ec, me and irah got insulted by this chinese nyonya that is speaking in a certain kind of language that vivian doesn't seems to understand. It was not, REPEAT, WAS NOT our fault that we lose grip of the handles and just fall onto each other. We laughed and there is another chinese auntie who called us thick-skinned for it. -.- what te hell?
Under my blok, as i was walking towards the lift, a group of fugly mats apparently can't see the sign of NO PLAYING SOCCER. So, they continued playing. I PRAYED HARD THAT THE BALL WON'T HIT ME AND IT DID. It was a neighbour whom i once rejected. I turned around, screamed at him. Mostly vulgarities and i asked him if he has a problem with me. I wonder if he even has eyes. Stupid moron. Stupid neighbour. siak betul!
It's a pity how you are trying to be someone you're totally not and how you're trying to fit in with much exaggeration. just because you have branded goods, doesn't mean you can pull it off as well as your fashion icons. wait. you even copy people's fashion iconsssssssss!!!! you were born an original, don't die a copy.
It's a pity how you are trying to be someone you're totally not and how you're trying to fit in with much exaggeration. just because you have branded goods, doesn't mean you can pull it off as well as your fashion icons. wait. you even copy people's fashion iconsssssssss!!!! you were born an original, don't die a copy.
another GIRL.
You're a like a girl who's trying TOO hard to get someone to get over to talk to you. It ain't gonna work. You just can't keep QUIET and pretend like u are a loser, which u are. U think you're always right, but just YOU WAIT, things will g wrong to you like it always does. U are the worse attention seeker and HORRIBLE asshole that i've ever met in spore. OMG. I never wished i met a friend like u. I stoop so low at that point of time. Omg, just die. Please, it will make my life, a much peaceful place to be like. Don't go around spouting nonsense, BOASTING ABOUT YOUR HORRIBLE LIFE, BECAUSE ITS JUST YOU. its you. NO ONE CARES. You have a mixture of ice-cream plus sambal friends around u.
Ice-cream and sambal sounds horrible right? Trust me, you readers are not in my position yet.
Its as yucky as it looks.
moving on...
Ms wai is off. Aw, i'm going to miss herrr.
Today is shashafiqah day cos we twice terserempak on 302. Best tau. Haha. Takdir cinta AKU AND SHA SHA. haha, best gossip!
Kanina met me at int again today. His prelims starts today, baby all the best.