Sunday, August 30, 2009
Alright, i can't upload pictures from yesterday's family gathering because i could not find my usb cable anywhere. Tsk. Well, i was glad that tasha came over yesterday. We had laksa for our break fast. All i knew, what my mama said after all of them left, was that.
"She damn bitch you know? She damn slut!" After a few questions being asked who. It was referring to tasha's mummy. Aiya, forever lah. They always fight. Everyone from my father's side are all nuisance except for tasha, of course.
I had tuition today. Ms Chua could notice how hard i tried to concentrade.
I felt so sleepy that i could doze off anytime. Still, i manage to grab hold on a few questions taught on mole equations.
For one thing i'm sure, you are the one i seek, now. ^.^
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Alright, i can't upload pictures from yesterday's family gathering because i could not find my usb cable anywhere. Tsk. Well, i was glad that tasha came over yesterday. We had laksa for our break fast. All i knew, what my mama said after all of them left, was that.
"She damn bitch you know? She damn slut!" After a few questions being asked who. It was referring to tasha's mummy. Aiya, forever lah. They always fight. Everyone from my father's side are all nuisance except for tasha, of course.
I had tuition today. Ms Chua could notice how hard i tried to concentrade.
I felt so sleepy that i could doze off anytime. Still, i manage to grab hold on a few questions taught on mole equations.
For one thing i'm sure, you are the one i seek, now. ^.^