Monday, February 1, 2010
AY AY AY....
High fever yer? Swollen throat yer? Alahai......kesiannya baby aku ni.
Get well soon sweetie pie.
Chill baby, thats why i'm always here for you.
HAHA. K, konek alright.
I am lil bit loose in the head because i had maths @ mercu earlier on.
Think i'm going bonkers because of maths formulas but its okay, b says he loves me no matter what. B4 tuition, hang around with the girls, shasha & nelly @ Ijat's place. Nelly and me could not stop laughing for i dunno what -.-
I have loads of photos to upload from last sat, sun and even today.
I'll find time alright. ( cari masa ke nak kejar masa ah? )
What i most love about today was english period where we had a debate.
Especially this particular scene when syairah said pala buto sial right in the middle of the debate.
And i had to ease the tension by screaming shut up so everyone would hear me out. HA HA HA.
what a scene and i think, debate is just not my thang. I am not patient enough. HA HA.
Brother-o is turning 13 in a few minutes time.
Okay, i wanna crash now. Sweet dreams.