Friday, February 5, 2010
Picha pictos picatos.

I dream about you every day.................tell me how is this helping me? (:

After school met kcyk kanina to get his jerseys. Meet him @ his area and we chill-ed while it was raining cats and dogs. We catch up with what we left behind and i'm glad we are on the right track. As long as he's happy. And he made a new tattoo. Ah best ah tu........ ahaha. He is such a brat when it comes to showing off.... i left around 4.
I am brave enough to say that i met him because my bf is aware so don't assume too fast.
My bf trusts me. alot. and i treasure that.
All the best for your april intake, thanks for the jerseys.

So these two bitches of mine cannot stop bothering me during recess because they want the pictures badly. Na! amek kau. I only upload a few becos the rest are blur and cannot be edited.
Recess have become very interesting lately with ira and them.

Eh nelly, muka kita macam penat je.....

I miss my bestgirl. Have you seen her? Even if i did ran into her a few days back, it was all just like a dream. Where is she? Ohhhhh nabeyh..... where are you baby?

That picture is tak senonoh but i upload it just because of i dunno lorrrrrrrr. we were @ ijat's.
I can hear my tummy grumbling.
Good day.
I wna eat mama-o's soto ayam.