Monday, April 5, 2010
Eversince i turned 17..
Yes Happy Belated 17 to Farah Afiqah!
So How does it feels to be 17?
Its feels like a year more to clubbing and definitely a year more to my driving liciense.

So how did i celebrate my b'day?
Only the lucky ones get a taste of my money.
Nelly, Tasha and Nasri are the lucky ones.
Obviously they are. They deserve the treat.
We had breakfast cum lunch at Marriot Coffeehouse where Nelly found out one ice lemon tea cost $8.90. She went gagagagaga and ordered cheesecake.
We ordered caesar salad with salmon, fish and chips and soup.
The meal was definitely a delight to us.

So we had a splendid time at Marriot and oh, I collected my raspberry chocolate fudge cake over there too. The cake looks small and it is one kg only but it costs $70 plussss. Curse b for carrying it and ruining some parts of the cake!

Oh and thanks ika for the easter egg you gave me from marks&spencer.
Very creative eh.

But keep in mind, they are the best ever.
Never fail to make me smile.
Thanks to everyone for their wishes and the presents and everything.
My 17th birthday was a memorable one. The best one yet.
It was a surprise that Renny and Putri wished me.
Still, they managed to make me smile.
The best present that i got was from my mum and she had spend like a larger sum of money to make my birthday a perfect one. Thanks for the gold necklace mama-o and for giving birth to me. I love you alot more than everything. My friends were right, she is not worth it.
What kind of a girlfriend forgets your birthday or purposely forget it?
So on 5th april, nasri accompanied me to poly.
Well, we met at 9am, hurried to poly and oh my, as usual, the waiting time was oddfully terrible.
My bf and me had to sit down till our butts were cramp.
He even fell asleep on my lap. He had to leave at 12plus cos he has some shits to attend to.
Shits that i do not wanna know, do not wanna bother because it is absolutely none of my buisness. I definitely do not want to put b in a tight position.
I got 2 days of mc. I got some sort of like chicken pox but its not cos i got it when i was young, it is some sort of an acne. Killer acne. Alot alot alot of killer acnes!
It looks disgusting though.
Went over to Ijat's after that.
Tata for now.
Labels: slippers or shoes ahr?