Sunday, May 9, 2010
Because you are the best.

And for dinner, i went yew tee point to buy burgerking, kfc and sushi's for myself. I feel like a fat person at times. Just because i'm thin, i get to eat all kinds of delicacies and not regretting my every bite. Yummy. Hahaha.
I want to go to burgerking again after my maths paper tomorrow. And prolly catch a movie with some friends. Hmm.... But there's wb training. Decisions decisions.
Anyway, mama thanks for bring me to this world and being so patient with my attitude for 17 years already now. You are the biggest influence in my life including the part where you are so spendthrift. I love you as much as i love myself and may you always smile and have a joyful life. I hope i won't have to disappoint you again this year. Love you mama-o!
need da get back ka to ma re-vi-sion. Or may S-L-E-E-P. zzzzz....