Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday Night.
I wonder how am I suppose to describe yesterday night? Well, the main thing was that I went overboard and I got really high until I cannot even remember anything quite clearly. Well one thing for sure, I remembered B carrying me like I'm his cinderella. All I wanted to do was to vomit and sleep. I jaw clenched really bad and my nose bled, well somehow. Things were so chaotic until I received a text message from B at 405am saying, " This is the last. " It was more to a warning and a no more sign for me. Gosh. Still I had a nice time with John and Ira. Its been long and I'm sure after this, we'll get our head right for our coming Prelims.
I am gifted to have a boyfriend whom is as caring as Nasri. I don't think I am able to describe what he sacrificed for me but all he wanted is the best for me and he wants me to enjoy life. Simple, he wants me happy. He took really good care of me. I really love him for that. Baby, if you are reading this now, I just want to tell you that I thank god for having you. I realised how much I really mean to you. Thank you for taking the blame. In all of the boys, I've ever been with, you stand out. I might never find someone like you. I love you so much. God, I feel like crying. I feel so bad for misbehaving. But still Nasri took really good care of me. I shall never betray his trust or love. God.
I'm still having hangovers but all that does not matter. Atleast Nasri is still mine.