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Saturday, December 1, 2012
Nasri ♥

At times, I feel that I miss you then I feel remorseful for breaking us apart but then again, I know that even if I tried so hard to gain back the feelings I previously had for you...it just wouldn't be the same and I don't want to be lying and neither do I want to torture you with my lies. I just want you to know that somehow, in one way or another...you have created a huge impact in my life. The changes that took place through the ups and downs we faced together will never ever be forgotten. 

Many might mistaken me for leaving you because you're in camp most of the time but they don't know my story neither are they in my shoes. I would urge you to not believe them but you have choices and its totally up to you to believe who. I wouldn't want to force you to change your perception of me and it has never been because of another party interfering. Please do not think otherwise, I beg.

Forgive me for all the times I've been rude, neglected you and not putting enough effort to make us work. I swear I did try but I got exhausted trying to fight these feelings that do not define me as who I am. It has been a long run and trust me when I say that I appreciate everything going on between us for these three years. Thank you Nasri, for all that you've done. Making me more happier than anyone else can possibly feel. You used to be a part of me but I just feel that we drifted, somehow. Forgive me for disappointing you and making you feel so insecure. I should have been truthful in the first place to avoid us drowning in this whirlpool of confusion that we are facing.

Let's just let time tell.
Take good care of yourself Nasri, I'm letting you go with a willing heart 
and I hope you will comprehend what I'm trying to convey here.
I still want the best for you in everything you do and I yearn to see you smile.
I will never forget you. Be happy baby xx

"kalau ada jodoh, kita bertemu lagi. Insya'allah"
Monday, November 26, 2012

After a long time...finally an opportunity to blog and you know what this means?!?! 
 I'm free from all of my projects, no more deadlines to meet and assessment is OVER.
God...that just feels so good to say. So good...
Even though its just a pathetic one month break, I solemnly declare that I deserve it. 
By all means I will appreciate every day, hour, minute and second of it.

So stay tune! Hehehe xx
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Alive on High Spirits.

So hey. 
In spite of the heavy workload I have from school, I still insisted to go clubbing with my best girl.
Besides, I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun for her 19th birthday. Its only once a year so why not? 

Had a really late start to my Saturday. Heading out at only 830pm to Nasri's place since Nini and her bf were still getting ready. Its has been ages since I paid a visit to his place and I felt that it was really heart warming because his family including his grandparents greeted me kindly. Not to mention, Nasri was too thoughtful to whip me up a quick dinner since he could tell by my expression that I was starving. 

Maggi goreng with teh o by Nasri. Absolutely scrumptious! 
Will definitely miss this when he gets into ns. Sigh.

Moving on... 
We decided to head to Avatar since its not known as a place of rejection for Malays -.-
Although I would really love to head to Zirca and Helipad soon! 
Really miss clubbing there. I feel that the atmosphere there is more...welcoming?
As I've said it several times, I don't usually upload other couple pictures on my blog 
but this is definitely an exception because I really think that Nini is happy beyond words. 
When she's happy, I'm overjoyed. 
Wishing you both the best of both worlds, NiniArep.

 While we were slacking, Arep borrowed Tinkerbell and tried to master the usage of the dslr.
 I think this picture below is a perfect shot of Nini and her happiness beyond words.
Thumbs up to Arep. Lol.

"As the going gets tougher, I'll stay and not go. Through the hurricanes, tornados, tsunami, rain or shine I'll ensure you that I'll be there."

The night went perfectly well and we drained all of our energy at approximately 4am.
There is a need to buy proper shoes for clubbing because I can no longer stand wearing heels nor wedges.
 The fall on the podium staircase really taught me worthwhile lesson. Blame it all on the alcohol for making my vision go blurry and being lightheaded to situations like this. But I laughed it off of course, it was totally funny because I get to experience my fall in a slow mode and all I could say was like, my hp where is my hp! HAHAHAHA. Bimbo.

You'll be heading off to NS this coming Thursday. Time has really passed by so fast or should I say too fast? I'll have my say here. Nasri, I've long forgiven you of the wrongdoings that you've done and you've been such a great boyfriend to me for these 3 years. Don't think otherwise of that please I beg. I know that perhaps you might be super insecure when you're in camp but I'm a big girl now. I'll know how to take care of myself. I just hope that you'll stay healthy and I'll see you when you're out. We'll come out with something. Please don't expect too much coming from me, I'm just not mentally stable and I do not wish to hurt you with the choices that I make.
Thank you for sacrificing most of your time and money to go on dates with me.
I will never forget the moments that we've spent.

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Bestgirl is officially 19!

 "God, if there is something you should take away from me, please I beg, let it not be her."
Happy 19th birthday baby girl!
All that I want to say is already written in the birthday card. 
I hope you liked the little gift I gave you.
Plus the little surprise we came up with.
Enjoy your day while it lasts, you know I'll always love you.

Sunday, October 14, 2012
Let us embrace the golden youth.

"Live it up.
Drink it down.

Its not on a daily basis that I will go party with my girls during the mid of school semester.
I decided to take a break from all my projects and just head out to have fun.
This time round, its strictly us girls with no boys to facilitate us at all.
We were solely independent for that night.

I felt that I'm a more relaxed person when I'm surrounded with my girls.
We can just go on and on gossiping, chilling and drinking at the same time.
I always find solace when their attention is fully diverted at me.
Lucky to have awesome girls like them.

It was an amazing night even though some things ended unexpectedly...
Like I was so shocked that I got rotten drunk like real bad ass tipsy.
Perhaps it was because of the fact that I didn't drink for a long period of time .
I am so ungrateful that my body reacts instantly with just a few sips of alcohol. 
 Totally appreciative with Amalina's presence for that night because she helped me 
while I was vomiting in the dustbin and entertained my nonsensical behavior.

Only God knows how petrified I was because I found it terribly tough to breathe normally. 
Its like as though I felt someone gripping on my body trying to suffocate me. 
I really need to get a hang of situations like this. Yes its a need.

I really love my best friend and I can't stay mad at her for long but truthfully,
I just super hate the fact that she always ditches us on the dance floor to entertain her other guy "friends".
She could possibly be missing out all the fun that we were experiencing!
But its alright...Oh well, we will all get used to Linsa's treatment when it comes to the dance floor.

Thank you girls for the night.
Till next time when we plan to go "all girls" again.
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Decided to squeeze in some time to keep my readers updated! 
So here it goes...

Finally tomorrow marks the start of my project week aka one week of break before the next term starts. Somehow, I'm not really thrilled because I have a 1.5k word essay due in a week's time and I'm still having the trouble to decide on which question I should settle down with. Sigh. When it comes to Art history, I would rather lay back and listen to the enchanting stories instead of coming up with coherent compilation of my ideas and thoughts for my essay. 
God why is it so hard...

Anyway, my Saturday was totally unplanned. Everything was decided last minute but it went quite smoothly. Woke up at 3pm and Mama rushed me to get myself ready to head over to SGH to visit Baba whom just had a mini surgery and he's admitted there for only 3 days.

Its not on a daily basis that my mum would drive so as per normal, she needed directions. Fortunately, Nasri was able to somehow direct my mum the correct way to SGH so that it won't be time consuming if she took the wrong way. Thank you for helping my mum when she's in need. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

(Nasri looks so cute from the back!)

Spent an hour or so in my dad's ward then I made up my mind to make a move since Baba looks fine and I did not want to waste my Saturday in the hospital. I'm really grateful that Nasri was waiting for me patiently at least I had someone to accompany me on my ride home.
Reached our hometown around 6pm and Nasri came up with this crazy idea of clubbing.
 It was totally impromptu and we didn't really had the confidence that we would have fun since not many were willing to tag along.
I had to pester and irritate Nini until she agreed. Everything was in a rush.
It was insane.

Heading to Avatar for our first time!

After ages of not clubbing together, it was definitely a spectacular night.
An unplanned one but turned out totally great.

Cranberry Vodka to boost our energy for the night.

What a wild night. Definitely can't forget my first experience at Avatar. Left quite a huge impression on me. Especially when I realized that clubbing is not really that exciting anymore.  xx
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Super happy.

H e l l o
I've been super busy these days. Occupied with all of my projects deadlines and definitely working hard for a brighter future.
 Wow that sounded as though I am really that hardworking and putting all my endless energy for school -.-

So my Saturday was spent well with my boyfriend. Since our 2 years 11 months fell on a Monday, we decided to celebrate it earlier instead. Made his day extra special because I surprised him with a Fred Perry wallet and socks from Topman. Anything for a boy as faithful and loving as him. So thrilled that his face immediately lighted up when he unwrapped the presents. I should be called the sweetest girlfriend ever!

Went to Starbucks to fulfill my cravings.
CARAMEL FRAPPUCINO = #mouthwatering

Early dinner at Jack's Place. We were both famished.
It was Nasri's first time eating here so he was really indecisive and took a long time to decide what he really wanted. 
Since Jack's Place is known for their steaks, he decided to settle down with mixed grill and I ordered Salmon steak.

You can actually see how depressed I was with the different choices that was available.

Ahhh...Finally the food is here for us to savor.
Nasri was shocked with the amount of food he has to finish! 

Salmon Steak.

Shitake soup with garlic bread.

The quality of the food was definitely satisfying and extremely appetizing.
Leaving a very good impression on Nasri.
He was too bloated to even stand up after the meal!
Glad that he enjoyed the meal.

Decided to catch Step Up Revolution after dinner.
I was contemplating at first because I promised to catch it with Nelly. 
But since it was too late to head to the Harry Potter Exhibition, we just went ahead with our plans.
It was my first time catching a movie at Marina Square and sadly the movie theatre is annoyingly small. 
But I enjoyed it, we were both enraptured by the dance moves! 
Tempting us to club next week!

Happy 2 years and 11months of loving you.
Thank you for everything. I mean it. Literally everything.
I feel so blessed to have someone like you right beside me.
You've always been so understanding, sticking with me through the ups and
downs in our relationship and always trying to help me in every way.
You are like the sun. Shinning in my life and I really hope that you are the love of my life. <3 p="p">
Thank God that we have such a strong will for this relationship.
I never want to leave you behind.
I know things change when you serve NS but I'll try my very best to be patient.
Let God determine our paths. 
Love you so much Nasri.

Till here.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
High Spirits.

The only reason why I’m putting all my efforts to write an entry is because my boyfriend made me the happiest girl today and I really need to emphasize all his might and determination just to see me beaming with joy. I am already feeling sluggish but all that is not of importance.

In my previous post, I did mention about paying East Coast a visit and it touched my heart so much that he is willing to spend the entire Saturday fulfilling my wish. Even though I did not get to rollerblade, I’m contented that we end up cycling instead. Its my first time ever in my life cycling with my boyfriend so you can actually imagine how much this means to me. I was super excited just like a 5-year old!

We rented the bicycle for two hours and rode around East Coast.
It was the ideal weather to go cycling. The breeze suited to our mood. 
So glad that we did not perspire even after cycling for an hour straight.

Whenever you're around me, I just feel that my sorrows are long forgotten.

I love admiring the growth of nature.
I just find it amazingly beautiful and magical.

Self-timer mode hehe.

My legs looks more fleshy than Nasri's. 

Dearest Nasri,
Thank you for always fulfilling my wishes. You never fail to make me happier each day. I had a wonderful Saturday with you and believe me, I would love to grow old with you. Our bond has been stronger and I have faith that we will go far together.
You have made me a very cheerful girl today and I don't think any guy can ever replace the good deeds that you've done for me. I pray to God to keep you closer to me and let him bless you with a bright future. 
I love you so much :')
Truly yours, Farah.

" Who says we can't put our differences aside and be close friends? "

Impromptu meet-up with my best girl and Evan after both us ended our dates.
Met them at New World Centre then we rode off to Lot One McCafe to just chill and talk about Nini's birthday plans. 
We have a lot in mind but currently we're not really sure what is the actual best plan to celebrate her 19th.

@ Lot One McCafe

So anyway, Happy 30 months EvaNini!
I hope that things will get better in time for both of you to heal the wounds.
I just want the best for Nini and if its him that she chooses, I will have 100% respect for her decision. Good luck!

What a wonderful yet tiring Saturday.
I won't forget how much fun I had today.
Till then xx