Sunday, June 28, 2009

Babygirl, you've been there for me almost everytime i need you. I know how much you love to see me and kecyk happy together but i just feel that kecyk may not be the guy that my heart is searching for. You've tried to support and tried to make things better btwn us but prolly, things may have to come to an end soon. I know u have my interests at ur heart and u try to make me understand him more but if i can't and that mean i won't. i love u so much, thanks for encouraging me to become stronger to overcome the stronger waves in life. I really want to lead a very happy life with kecyk but he doesn't. He DOESN'T.

You, kecykanina. Its just so so hard for us to understand each other these days. I dunno what it is that your heart desires for. I've tried my best to understand and to be there for u but all u repay back is just by hurting me more and more. Till when? when is this cycle going to go on and on? Im sick and tired and im so so sore. I feel like breaking down bcos it is as though i've wasted my time on u. Everytime u make a mistake, i try to forgive and NOT REVENGE. But, how about u? have u ever thought about my feelings? Have u even stop and think, who am i to u? I can clearly say that our r'ship is a disaster right now and i don't feel like comitting to u anymore.
It was because of me, your sch friends left u. It was because of me that u are still out here enjoying. You've hurt someone who has created a difference in ur life. Never did it come across to my mind that i want to end our 1yr and 9months of crazy disastrous moments ever.
I tried, don't say i didn't.
Its all up to u. Do i really mean a thing to u? Just sit and think.
no words can describe how much i lve u. no one can ever replace u.
seriously, its all up to u. Don't be speechless and just let the reason hanging btwn us.
I hope u will come to a decision soon, period.
i don't have the mood. tc all.
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Babygirl, you've been there for me almost everytime i need you. I know how much you love to see me and kecyk happy together but i just feel that kecyk may not be the guy that my heart is searching for. You've tried to support and tried to make things better btwn us but prolly, things may have to come to an end soon. I know u have my interests at ur heart and u try to make me understand him more but if i can't and that mean i won't. i love u so much, thanks for encouraging me to become stronger to overcome the stronger waves in life. I really want to lead a very happy life with kecyk but he doesn't. He DOESN'T.

You, kecykanina. Its just so so hard for us to understand each other these days. I dunno what it is that your heart desires for. I've tried my best to understand and to be there for u but all u repay back is just by hurting me more and more. Till when? when is this cycle going to go on and on? Im sick and tired and im so so sore. I feel like breaking down bcos it is as though i've wasted my time on u. Everytime u make a mistake, i try to forgive and NOT REVENGE. But, how about u? have u ever thought about my feelings? Have u even stop and think, who am i to u? I can clearly say that our r'ship is a disaster right now and i don't feel like comitting to u anymore.
It was because of me, your sch friends left u. It was because of me that u are still out here enjoying. You've hurt someone who has created a difference in ur life. Never did it come across to my mind that i want to end our 1yr and 9months of crazy disastrous moments ever.
I tried, don't say i didn't.
Its all up to u. Do i really mean a thing to u? Just sit and think.
no words can describe how much i lve u. no one can ever replace u.
seriously, its all up to u. Don't be speechless and just let the reason hanging btwn us.
I hope u will come to a decision soon, period.
i don't have the mood. tc all.