Thursday, July 2, 2009
pissing me off.

i am majorly MAJORLY pissed off with someone, whom i will not say it out here.
if u think my art is just, "like this only?" take a look at yours. like seriously, i've spend like a WHOLE load of time working of my art work and i don't need YOU to judge it.
you can start by thinking, is my artwork that good. see u when the results are out ahk.
next, some IDIOT log into bi's tag profile. well his password was kanina. i mean, who couldnt guess it? haha. But by saying that " kecyk is loving fydahstarr and feefly is papan." what kind of guts do u have? like seriously, WHY? truthfully, i can't be papan if i'm human. U're just plain dumb and i take it, u have NOTHING BETTER TO DO. give u a tip, korek ur own jubo ah if got time k. kecyk changed his password, have fun finding it again.
well, today was o-level oral. i bet my clique, irah, farah, nasrul and mamum did gain some confidence by entertaining each other. We tried to not be so nervous but it didn't work in the end. mamum was making a whole JOKE of it. Ha ha and it the end, oral wasn't so bad anyway.
It was, on the average, okay la. HA HA.
i was almost late for school today cos of my kanina, NOT BUTO, it doesn't even link anyway.
so so, we met mamum otw and we went school together. *kecoh like hell* none of us wanted to be late so we had to russsssssssh. In the end, goodness gracious, we arrived on time. Hak! what luck.
I have loads of homework to be completed. I may have plans to follow irah to study.
Bi is having spending so much time filling his tummy AND I AM EXPERIENCING BACK CRAMPS NOW. argh. I had a fine day and i hope u had a fine day as well, tc.