Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Mama kata, jauhi lah dari pada musuh kau tu. Tak bermakna, i know you're much mature.

Cute right? Like staircase if you observe.
Well, school was as usual. Both of my teachers for physics and art were absent but
me and irah still head to the art room. I'm trying my best to complete my artwork.
Ergh, i feel agitated sometimes when i think about it.
Worse comes to worse,
a paranoid freak who is insecure of all things related with bitchy school and classmates.
Try experiencing this = OMFG ZOMG?
I'm glad i've found irah, nelly, ninabeyh, elly, nasrul, vivian and perhaps much more which i don't think this post can fit all the names.
ada satu kawan ke, ada seribu kawan ke, bukan semua sayang me the same.
Whether you have your clique to hang around with, you know the friends that stay and go.
Just because they are supportive of SOMEWHAT your grammatically wrong english words, it doesn't mean they'll stay. Don't be too proud cos actually, the only ones that are there will be the next to leave you soon. Not now but soon.
I'm glad i know who my real friends are. Thanks mama <3

Muka chao-chee-byeee.
She's been my one of a kind gf and i just want her to know,
I'm happy for her now. And i hope, she is one gf that will stay gerek forever.
I need to get out of my house by 615am already.
Mama cannot spend her time making pancakes.
In a rush? Its about time baby.